December 3, 2010

Alot new stuff at ZM_HomeCity

So i worked really hard on alot new elements, retexturing, new skybox and light envoriment, soundscapes, spots,.. i'll just show u the screens so you know what im talking about!

This is the new "entrance" to the tunnel/pipe system

As you can see a new light envoriment and skybox, which is really nice at this map.

This is a new area, a small hut where humans cant camp against zombies, if you by accident fall or walk on the sand you will down into water, its simular to drift sand.

a new building finished, its the engine room

another new building finished, this is an apartment with stairs and 3 rooms, (not showing the inside now) 

the tunnel/pipes

a whole new decoration for the piramide cave. its as good as finished aswell. some new functions makes it easy to stay alive if you are human.

These are the lab rooms next to the piramide cave, only need some more details and props.

top view of the map

new bunker added, access by 2 sliding doors which go really slow and only openable each 10seconds.
space in the bunker is limited.

Nothing much to say. just a screenshot of the corner of the street.
I hope my map is finished soon, maybe i will get some help from somebody so my map wont lag so much.. i dont feel like lagging but people with a slower computer might. but dont worry :)

BTW: how to get on this nice spot on the map, follow the lines:

November 26, 2010

2 flats+underground maze

so i edited again a little because i had some nice ideas, now im working on my map for 3-4days and there is a little result, i added 2 new buildings, 1 have an entrance that goes downstairs and you will enter a secret maze, if you found your way to the second floor of the maze, there is even a second one;)
when you finished that you get a secret ladder to building 2 which will be hard to be discovered so it appears to be a perfect hiding place.

 floor1 maze:

 floor2 maze:

September 23, 2010

Piramide cave added

So what ive edited now is a big cave under the ground where is a huge piramide whre you can stand on top for great protection.
^ this is the cave's entrance, a bit further is the awesome elevator hellz yea

^ the elevator

this is the cave unfinished now but the most important things works!

 and this is the magic button on top of the piramide, people who know what it does will love it badly hehe

small roof update
more news next week !!

September 15, 2010

laptop fail.

saturday morning 11/9my laptop let me down again..
i went to the shop told the issue and they would fix it by the week later
i get a call and they said they will need to format so all my programs are off again <3

big delay in video editing+mapping so.
well enough free time for other things ^^

September 6, 2010

for fun:D

click for full size

Newer update on zm_HomeTown

About a week later, you can see in the screenshots what was added,
everything becomes pretty organised already

^ The ally

^ this is somewhere under the ground; its a 'mini lab'.
the point is you can go behind the big glass doors which can be opened with 2 buttons very slowly,
if you are to late or you get shooted back you will fall in the small ravine where you cant climb out :)
[thanks to 3kliksphilip for making those damn doors work^^]

Thats it for now.. Newer screenshots next week :)

August 31, 2010


working on a new CSS map^^
uhm i started with some great ideas for the corners but about the rest of the map im not sure yet...
it try to make it logical and natural, not like zm_lila_panic (lol)

the pic above here is the spawn (40ct-40t / 80 players max)


Lil A Rome. Or known as ZM_Lila map versions, After i made my own version ZM_Lila_Beach i wanted to make another quality version remake of...